Note: We're all human ... and I mistakenly put the wrong link in the newsletter today. If you'd like to provide feedback on your experience using the trash valet service, go here.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you may have heard, PLB management has contracted with Valet Living to start a trash valet service in the Towers at the end of August. The garbage chutes will be retired and the basement dumpsters will be moved into the trash rooms and locked off. (There will be a couple of weeks of adjustment time where these facilities will still be available.) You can download a flyer with more information here. Valet Living has agreed to offer information/training sessions if residents are interested. You are also free to share any thoughts regarding this change in the comment section below. PLEASE NOTE that the comment section is moderated and any comments that get personal will be deleted immediately.
R Darain
8/26/2022 02:39:03 pm
9/15/2022 02:25:02 pm
I think it is a poor idea. They are just transferring a problem from one area to another and not good to have trash out in the hall way, even if it is between 5 -7 pm. They need to get to the root cause of the roach and rat issues. They keep spraying for roaches and they still return in my apartment. I see rats on top of the trash bins in Bldg 38. I have "never" had a rental with these vermin issues.
Jeff Eissenstat
8/29/2022 03:08:58 pm
Fellow Residents of Park L a Brea: I’ve been getting some answers to questions about the new Trash Valet service that begins tonight for Tower residents. Last week I stated that trash is never ree in Park La Brea. You may be getting the “valet” for free right now to pick up your trash from your door, but you will continue to pay for Athens to remove all of our trash from the Park La Brea property. I’ll let PLB explain that further for you! So, as stated before, I pay $15.38 for one person, and if you have 2 residents (on your lease) you would pay $30.76 etc as outlined in your monthly statement. Now, this fee COULD reduce a bit in the future, if residents are complying! The Park La Brea management team is also adding 2 people to help make sure this program is properly implemented with residents. I sure hope they’ll be knocking on doors and coaching residents and making sure that our hallways and this service is running properly. I don't want to manage my neighbors.
Nicole S.
8/19/2022 12:04:59 pm
There’s absolutely no ventilation in the hallway. I’m curious to see how effective this is.
8/20/2022 09:11:37 pm
Exactly! No ventilation is unsanitary. Also imagine coming back from work and smell and see all the trash of the other apartments! (Nice decorations)
R Darain
8/26/2022 01:59:50 pm
This is a TERRIBLE idea. Moving the disgusting garbage from the basement, to RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE WE LIVE!
Ron darian
8/26/2022 03:32:41 pm
If the Park La Brea Residents Association cannot get PLB to stop this insanity...
Veronica Gonzalez
8/19/2022 12:13:14 pm
It says we cannot put broken glass in the bags, so what are we supposed to do if a glass breaks in our home?
Cora Currie
8/19/2022 01:40:54 pm
What to do with broken glass
Linda K
8/19/2022 02:11:55 pm
I just went back and read the flier again. We're also not supposed to dispose of liquids. Well, there are some liquids we're also not supposed to put down the drain (e.g. grease from Thanksgiving turkey, etc.). What do they expect us to do with that?
Linda K.
8/19/2022 12:15:22 pm
I have a TON of concerns re: this new system. My biggest is that when I'm working in the office, I am never home by 7PM. When/where/how am I supposed to dump my garbage?
8/19/2022 01:45:52 pm
It’s amazing the level of harassment we’ve been receiving for decades about leaving anything in front of our doors including just a simple pair of shoes off to the side. Now we’re going to block off everybody’s doors with bulky trash bins.
Kim Rahilly
8/19/2022 12:21:29 pm
What about recycling other than cardboard boxes? You know, if you put recycling in a tied-up plastic bag, it will not get recycled. Should we continue to put our clean bottles, cans and paper in the blue bin in the basement?
8/19/2022 12:23:38 pm
Agree re. packing materials/boxes - we get a lot of deliveries.
Christine Lloreda
8/19/2022 12:32:25 pm
This is the first I have heard of this new service. Is there going to be a designated day for pick up at my apartment door? Tenants are going to have to do everything right for this to work. Also the trash bin looks small.
Michael B
8/19/2022 12:42:23 pm
This method is loaded with issues, many have been noted by others below, but my biggest concern is what about recyclables? Where do plastics and aluminum, etc, other than cardboard, go?
Ron Darain
8/26/2022 02:09:49 pm
Of course it will fail. Stupidest idea PLB has ever come up with. Can't wait to start smelling all the pet poop and urine from bags that may not be as tightly secured as they should be.
Dan V
8/19/2022 01:09:24 pm
Do we need to provide different color bags?
Paula Epstein
8/19/2022 01:17:53 pm
My concern ,as previously mentioned, would be infestation in the hallways as well as the odor .
Tracy Peterson
8/24/2022 06:47:26 pm
This is a Terrible unsanitary idea I’m absolutely shocked Park la brea has come up with this atrocious plan - it invites all sorts of unwanted creatures to our hallway! I’m embarrassed! I arrived home today with a couple of friends who asked why on earth are there trash cans in front of everyone’s door! Don’t you have a trash room? it’s a ridiculous eyesore - Please Please for heaven sakes nix this plan ASAP No wisdom!
Christine Lloreda
8/24/2022 11:18:40 pm
I totally agree with Tracy Peterson! I have received a trash bin that is smaller than the trash can I have in my apartment. Park La Brea get your act together. Did anyone research this trash Valet Company! Totally a crazy idea. I wonder what the LA Health Department will think of this cockamamie idea you folks have thought of😮🤷♀️🤷♀️😡
Ron daraian
8/26/2022 02:11:48 pm
Right on, Tracy---eyesore, that's what it is!
Karen Schetina
8/19/2022 01:37:03 pm
There is a state-mandated deadline to move food waste out of landfills by the end of the year. Seen as a ‘laggard’ in diverting food waste, L.A. hopes curbside program changes that.
8/19/2022 07:40:37 pm
So those are called soffits which cover the pipes in the hallways and I guess they didn’t extend that to the other towers so it must look awful. It’s terrible when they don’t Complete projects and then get into other stuff so they should’ve finished all the soffits and all the buildings before starting the window projects which they never finished anywhere. The place is going to hell
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 08:22:06 pm
I did email them to ask if we were going to get soffits around these hideous pipes. Never got an answer. Are you saying some buildings have been encased? That would be encouraging. It would also be helpful and considerate if they would let the residents know what they are doing and get some feedback before going ahead with major projects and changes that affect the residents.
R Darain
8/26/2022 02:13:17 pm
The "composting" angle has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS.
8/19/2022 01:50:36 pm
Sorry but this is a major concern. Some of the residents don’t even follow the rules from now and this will lead to more flies, roaches and rats. Hallways already smell and no ventilation. Not a nice look to be walking In the hallways with trash boxes all over even if it’s for a few hours.
8/19/2022 02:10:18 pm
This is the worst idea ever. The hallways will stink and have roaches and rodents. What if it’s not picked up for some reason? NO NO NO on this. Don’t make us do this.
Cora Currie
8/19/2022 02:16:39 pm
This trash pick-up method does not appear to be very hygienic-delivery boxes come in all sizes and for those who have strength issues trying to break down boxes might be a problem- is there not a better way to handle garbage and trash in the towers-please do more research - there must be a better method
8/19/2022 03:12:35 pm
I am concerned that people will not follow the instructions provided and put trash on the ground not secure. This will cause pests and rodents to form and the smell will be horrible in the hallways. We already have a bad smell of the carpet before it gets cleaned so just imagine all of these bins of trash in front of apartments, it will look disgusting and smell horrible and we will have pests everywhere. This is not a good idea, please reconsider.
Dara Halperin
8/19/2022 03:20:48 pm
The bins in the basement have been a fire hazard for the 25 years I have lived here? And the bins in the hallway are not going to be a fire hazard? Can someone explain this?
Sam G
8/19/2022 03:50:04 pm
Bugs crawl all over the basement area in the trash and near the trash area. It’s a huge concern to think that the trash in the hallways will attract bugs to the clean hallways we have.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 04:28:37 pm
If I have guests for dinner at 6pm and my neighbor's garbage bin is out side the door left or right, there is no space to pass. Are you really going to make this place look and smell like a tenement? You have raised the price of these apartments approx $1000 since COVID. You have added these obnoxious articulated ceiling pipes to house our 'new amenities' further making it look like a low income housing unit. All of the comments above are valid. Please do not do this!
8/19/2022 05:24:44 pm
And what about after your dinner guests leave at 10PM and you clean everything up? Then all that garbage has to sit in your apartment until 7PM the next night? What if you have plans for the next day and won't be home between the magical hours of 5-7PM? Then what do you do?
8/19/2022 04:34:11 pm
What is the procedure to get rid of larger items, e.g. small furniture etc. Everything we always were able to put in the basement for pickup
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 04:46:40 pm
I don't think anyone has addressed the fact that someone has to police the hallways daily and you will find trash containers outside with no one home to respond to your request to take in by 9am. How will this be monitored? We already have notice from you for those who park in front of the towers 'no parking' zone and I have never seen a notice put on their windshield nor a tow truck. These cars make it difficult for delivery and fire trucks and even cars trying to get out of the spaces in front. Please don't do this!!!
Carolyn Chris
8/19/2022 04:47:36 pm
I am also utterly astounded that this is happening. I can’t imagine what the hallways will be like with every door having a garbage container next to it. The odors and distinct possibility of bugs and rodents, makes this in incredibly bad idea from the get/go. Were residents asked if this is something they wanted?
8/19/2022 05:06:36 pm
Question I have is re the elevators? This must take time 2 remove so are we loosing an elevator at 7pm for this process nightly?
8/21/2022 09:15:30 am
This is a really good point, especially since the elevators in my building keep breaking. Last week it happened twice, so we only had one working elevator for most of the week. People are then forced to crowd into the elevator or wait 10 minutes to get upstairs/downstairs. Now we're going to add someone going back and forth with a smelly trash bin to the mix?
Karen Schetina
8/19/2022 05:55:16 pm
I am 100% in favor of doing what’s right for the environment and to help reduce global warming.
8/19/2022 09:47:29 pm
There are definitely roaches in some of the trash rooms and there was a fire in a dumpster a few weeks ago. That said, this sounds like a horrible solution.
Jerry L
8/19/2022 06:06:08 pm
Holiday visitors will be in for a real treat:
8/19/2022 06:56:01 pm
What are these ceiling pipes that everybody is talking about. Are they in the apartment and what is their purpose? Did they forget or get cheap about putting the soffits around them to cover them? Somebody enlighten me it seems like we’re going to learn a lot about this property and each other through this comment section. What tower are these pipes in
Karen Schetina
8/19/2022 07:18:24 pm
Carlos, I believe the pipes people are referring to are what you see just below the ceiling in the Tower Hallways. The pipe are related to the individual Washer/Dryer Units which would be connected if someone wants this feature in their apartment. If you go to building 47, you will find lower ceilings in the hallways, built to cover the pipes. I believe the same is true for the pipes exposed in the basement. I think that they’ve been hidden with ceiling construction in some of the basements. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong about this.
8/26/2022 03:16:21 pm
ceiling heights by building code are limited to 7' clear, to add a soffit which is lower than 7 feet makes it a code violation.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 07:29:11 pm
Carlos, I believe these pipes will track all the new surveillance and safety measures we see planned on the kiosk in the lobby between the elevators. I am in Tower 40 if you want to take a look. They are totally ill-conceived and should be hidden behind soffits. My guess is they will paint them to match the ceiling as a cheap way out and we will look like a tenement.
8/19/2022 06:59:53 pm
Actually there are a lot of cockroaches in and around the trashcan containers in the basement and in the shoots and most recently about a month ago I saw a large rat running around outside of tower 47. I don’t see how this new program will make this any better. It’s going to make it worse
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 07:20:57 pm
Roaches of all sizes in our apartment. Time to call maintenance again!
8/19/2022 07:56:33 pm
Seems like a good way to reduce the pervasive pest issues but only if resident follow the guidelines. If residents are sloppy with their trash, it’ll be a smelly mess. Given what I’ve seen, I hope PLB will enforce the procedure with residents who are careless with their trash. Also, no trash collection holidays means that the day after will be a seriously messy and overwhelming pile up of trash in tower hallways. That practice makes no sense.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/19/2022 08:26:15 pm
That's the problem. There are those that will leave trash in the hallways and elevator until someone else picks it up. There are people who let their dogs pee on the steps and entrance walls to our buildings. And there are lovely respectful neighbors who pick up after themselves and others. I see this as a disaster in the making.
8/19/2022 11:19:45 pm
Yes Some buildings have soffits and they have from the beginning. I would be so pissed if I didn’t have soffits and had pipes running all along the hallways. It already looks like crap and some of these Towers and consistency should be enforced across all towers.
8/19/2022 08:30:06 pm
Diapers will not adhere to their schedule and they will DEFINITELY not be taking holidays off. And, NO, keeping them in my apartment is not an option.
James Allnutt
8/19/2022 10:45:35 pm
This really wasn’t well thought out - where was the survey with residents? I think it’s ridiculous how bad our hallways will look with all this trash, will be embarrassing to bring guests around to navigate around mine and my neighbours bins.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/20/2022 06:42:28 am
Thank you , James for picking up after others.
8/19/2022 11:22:37 pm
I see the health department all over this project repeatedly. All this discussion of trash being left, diapers leaking containers smell especially with the heat. I don’t know who came up with this project
8/20/2022 10:01:06 am
1. It sounds smelly and unsanitary, inviting roaches, flies and rats into our hallways.
8/20/2022 05:15:54 pm
Everybody, the best way to show our protest is to make them uncomfortable. If this becomes a disaster with stinking hallways, pest infestation and missed pickups due to office other commitments, we PLB Residents should all organise and dump their trash bags in front of PLB Admin building one day a week. Show them how it feels to have trash at our doorstep
8/25/2022 11:39:55 am
And walk your trash out to the carport dumpsters. Those will overflow and they will need to come up with an alternative plan.
8/20/2022 05:43:59 pm
To Paul 😂right! Best thing we can do is contact news agencies and the health department
8/20/2022 09:29:54 pm
I do agree totally with all the comments, such solution is unsanitary.
8/21/2022 08:02:47 am
Agree with the comments above. Who is going to pay for this service? It will still require the rubbish hauler currently used. It will increase the cost considerably.
8/21/2022 10:31:48 am
People in park la brea are already messy with their garbage, moving it to the halls is gross. Cheapens the towers and is embarrassing when having guests over? Smelly floors and seeing everyone’s garbage? Not paying these prices to live in a dump- I’ll be moving
Fred S.
8/21/2022 09:41:23 pm
Thi!s must be some kind of joke. You cannot be serious.
Michael Irwin Feinstein
8/22/2022 04:02:29 pm
My wife & I have several concerns" insects, odors, the breaking down of boxes (we are in our 80s) & whether others will properly
8/23/2022 08:26:28 am
This is a health and safety issue, also an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) issue for residents who have mobility issues to lift a bin. What about wheel chairs and walkers maneuvering around boxes and trash bins outside the doorways?
8/23/2022 01:24:39 pm
8/23/2022 02:32:20 pm
Hi, Linda - thanks for asking. Yes, we actually volunteered to create the survey about an information/training session and are also sharing these comments with PLB management. They ARE planning a session and we are awaiting more info on dates/times. --Angela
8/23/2022 05:11:10 pm
Hi Angela,
8/24/2022 11:16:28 pm
An info session is just going to be their excuse to claim they addressed everyone’s concerns, which it absolutely will not do. This needs to be put on indefinite HOLD until a better plan can be formulated that isn’t opposed by almost everyone who lives here. Otherwise I have to agree with the poster who suggested we leave all our trash in front of their office in protest.
8/23/2022 01:34:12 pm
Some of the people I’ve spoken to have said that they are not going to comply whatsoever and will put their trash out whenever they feel like. Other neighbors have said they plan to throw their trash out the windows. Other neighbors have said they will just take their trash to the basement and let PLB figure it out.
8/24/2022 01:00:28 pm
Thank you PLBRA for sharing the concerns, not only the survey results.
8/24/2022 01:16:12 pm
As soon as this ridiculous program starts I’m gonna post across every social media platform out there.
Carlos Menendez
8/26/2022 02:19:46 pm
I will be brining my trash to the basement as before.
8/24/2022 04:13:36 pm
That’s the most disgusting and nonsense idea to be implemented in ParkLabrea.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/24/2022 05:53:32 pm
None of the dozens of reasons cited in the comments are hyperbole. All of them extremely concerning and valid. Almost impossible to imagine hat PLB would even consider such a ridiculous solution to trash pickup. I think there are some legal issues here including, but not limited to ADA compliance and ventilation requirements. Why this wasn't better vetted is beyond me.
8/25/2022 08:36:26 am
Do they realize not only the inconvernience they are subjecting
8/25/2022 11:38:44 am
Did they do no tenant research before they came up with this scheme? The bin doesn't fit in our kitchen, where we, like many others keep our trash under the sink. It doesn't have a lid, so no way to keep bugs out during the day, even if we kept it--where--in our living room????? And we certainly would not put our trash out when we are expecting dinner guests, and we are not going to keep our trash in our apartment after dinner (after 7:00) until the next day after 5:00. So, we will, I guess, vote with our feet on this and walk our trash out to a carport every night. The bin will be returned or stashed in our storage unit if they won't take it back. Assuming enough other tower tenants will do the same, which should perhaps bring change if complaints don't do the trick.
8/25/2022 12:06:15 pm
Hi, Jude - did you not receive a lid with your black bin? There should have been a lid inside. if you didn't, email Kay Wright at [email protected] and she'll make sure you get one.
8/27/2022 10:41:03 am
I live in the garden apartments and don’t understand how something like this can be imposed on the Tower residents. I agree with everyone’s comments and am disturbed by tower residents coming to the carport bins that normally overflow with items on the ground because people are too lazy to put them in the bins. I think exiting apartments with bins in the hallway is an issue because they will block the hallways. I would hate having guests come with all the overflowing containers with kitchen smells filling the hallways every day. UGH! I leave in the morning so my trash would be out from 7AM to 5PM waiting for pickup. Why isn’t the pickup set for mornings? 9AM to noon?
8/25/2022 12:34:15 pm
I know I've already replied here a few times, but I can't emphasize how incredibly concerned I am and how crazy this ENTIRE new system is. In addition to all the extremely valid concerns, health and safety hazards posted above - where the hell is PLB communicating anything to us?
Laurie Beth
8/25/2022 02:00:04 pm
Hold your breeath when you walk down the hall between 5 & 7pm and hope that you get an elevator to wherever you are going. That's when our garbage will be collected. Ummmmm, isn't that also about the same time many people come home from work? In our building at least once a week an elevator is down. Once, both were down at the same time? We will be competing with the garbage pick-up. That should be an adventure.
8/25/2022 02:13:15 pm
Actually, thinking about the speed with which this program was enacted without any tenant input, I am wondering whether the fire department or health department sent PLB some sort of notice to correct the previous trash program--either health issues (cockroaches) or fire safety issues. Clearly this wasn't rolled out with the luxury of time. If they had time, they would have piloted it and right sized the container sizes, the timing (5-7pm seems kind of midwestern for our LA lifestyles, right?) , and instructions for how to dispose of the rest of our trash--those liquids, bulky items, late-night pizza boxes, etc.
8/25/2022 02:38:44 pm
Hi Jude,
Lonnie Hinckley
8/25/2022 03:12:49 pm
If ever there was a time for PLBRA to do something, this would be it. You have concerned residents in a dire situation. You have legal folks on your board. Please let us know how you are helping this nightmare go away.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/25/2022 03:18:14 pm
I contacted PLB mgmt and was told that they were complying with SB 1383 and the complaints of residents about the trash chutes. I respectfully called this baloney because they could and should maintain sanitary conditions in those chutes. We are just in for more roaches, smells and filthy carpets.
8/25/2022 03:34:22 pm
Interesting re. fire, somebody mentioned that happened above, might be a homeless problem which would be fixed if there was better security like locked basement doors, a key system, cameras.
8/25/2022 03:35:15 pm
What we really need to do is turn the tables on them through legal means. The same ordinance which they were using against us regarding leaving shoes or anything else outside of our doors we should apply to them. I was on the phone this morning for an hour and a half and I could not continue to try to find the ordinance against leaving anything outside your door in an apartment tower. I’m sure if we all put our efforts together we can figure this out and attacked them legally.h
Karen Schetina
8/25/2022 04:42:42 pm
PLB IS MANDATEDto comply with this new law by the end of the year. The issue for me is not that they’re complying and implementing a program to reduce organic waste from going into landfill, which badly contributes to global warming. That’s a great thing! The real issue is that PLB Management probably was aware of having to comply some time ago and sat on it until they had to move quickly.
8/25/2022 05:22:31 pm
If you want a case study in the worst possible way to help orient and effectively communicate with residents, this is it… The pushback is strong because management took absolutely no opportunity to adequately explain or answer questions or consider concerns and feedback in advance… Guaranteed shit show…
8/26/2022 09:40:24 am
We are DREADING this situation. I can't even see how it is legal to have trash and food waste in the hallways. It's a health hazard. Has anyone contacted the Health and Safety Department of the City of Los Angeles to let them know there is about to be a 5 mile 12 story high rodent and pest infestation? Is PLB trying to get rid of the tower residents? I literally don't understand how/why this is happening! Put a compost bin in the basement. He people bring their green bins down and empty into there.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/26/2022 11:28:59 am
Yes, Michelle. They can pick up composting in the basement daily easier than they can go floor to floor slinging that smelly stuff. Ugh!
Jon N.
8/28/2022 09:11:33 am
I agree, Lonnie. However, as we see with the blue recycling bins in the basements, residents do not do a great job of complying or understanding what goes where. So, I agree in principle that it would be MUCH better to have a new composting bin in the basement for everyone to bring down their compost, I think many would be concerned that it would make the basements even worse than they already are. For me, I am most upset at how PLB communicated (or didn't communicate) and rushed this all seems (especially for PLB). I don't think PLB or Valet Living will have the capacity to address all the many issues, concerns, and questions. Thus, there will be a supreme lack of compliance (already seeing it before the program even starts tomorrow). That lack of compliance will lead to many bins and bags lying around most halls of most floors of most towers almost 24/7 for at least one or more unit(s) on nearly all floors all year round. The lack of service on holidays is counter intuitive and a nightmare. Many won't be around between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. (I know the current window is 5 to 7). Recycling compliance may be the same or worse than it is now if people don't feel like buying special recycling bags that they have never needed to buy in the past. I want this to succeed. It may not sound like that. But, I really do. I am just so very concerned about the way this is kicking off. Also, frankly, the two bins take up space in my unit that I don't really want to give up. I am sure I can adjust to that. But, finally, and this one needs serious addressing: elevator stress. The workers are going to stress out the elevators even more than residents, the other vendors (Able, Superior), moves, etc. And, most elevators are prone to breaking down anyway. I worry about the elevators especially if one is out of service (not infrequent). The one remaining elevator will be super stressed and not terribly available if monopolized by Valet Living for 30 to 45 minutes (no idea how long it will take them to pick up from 144 units on floors 1 to 12).
Ron Darian
8/26/2022 01:57:16 pm
This is a TERRIBLE idea. Moving the disgusting garbage from the basement, to RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE WE LIVE!
Mariana Furtado
8/26/2022 02:05:32 pm
I agree completely!!!! This is insane and really the worst idea ever.
John Miers
8/26/2022 02:02:21 pm
I am afraid this is the worst idea ever and a MAJOR concern. This will lead to more roaches, rats and flies. Hallways don't have any ventilation and they already smell bad. This is a hazard for people with strollers and young children. Terrible to be walking In the hallways with trash boxes all over. Please do something that matters like enhancing security.
8/26/2022 02:43:30 pm
I’m with you Ron.
Tower B. Resident
8/26/2022 03:27:10 pm
time to move folks, its gonna get ugly.
8/26/2022 07:26:01 pm
Want to thank PLBRA for allowing, & my fellow neighbors for providing, such “positive feedback” here. That might have been a “spin” letter addressing questions but at least, there are a few more options from the pushback. If only they had done this initially.
Jon N.
8/28/2022 09:17:36 am
Linda, Closing the chutes/bins in the basement is already a part of the plan. It will happen within 2 to 8 weeks from today (a guess). It will occur whether or not PLB genuinely perceived that they are receiving mostly positive feedback (which I really doubt they are).
8/26/2022 10:43:02 pm
And so it begins… Our hallway smells to high heavens for the first time, although all residents seem to have wrapped their garbage tightly… Those cheap plastic containers are not odor free… People have left out garbage all day and the stench is unbearable… It’s now past 10:30 PM and no garbage has been collected – I suspect they do it in the wee hours of the morning perhaps so as not to tie up elevators?… Worse, for the first time in years, there are now big roaches crawling all over the hall… I’ve got photos… What’s next— rats?…Please make it stop! … PLBRA , please advise what steps you are actually taking to make this nightmare go away, thank you… I understand there are plans afoot for a mass picketing of the PLB offices during peak times for “prospective guest tours“… As a warning to potential residents as to what they’re getting themselves into… And we’re hopefully getting ourselves out of… I’ve heard media alerts are starting to go out – local TV stations love this stuff… PLBRA, are you organizing this? Details please!…
8/26/2022 11:42:04 pm
To the person who said it’s time to move, I agree. This is absurd. There’s already a roach in rat problem here and now they’re gonna bring it right to the doorstep. This is not the cleanest place in terms of trash and the way people leave it around so I don’t believe this is going to work in the hallways. Eventually they’ll have to put the bins downstairs like every other place in the world. Once the health department sees the disaster this is going to be things will change.
8/26/2022 11:44:09 pm
To ‘citizen’: Yes the soffits are greater than 7 feet from the ground. I can’t imagine how low your pipes are hanging in your tower but that would be an issue
8/26/2022 11:46:03 pm
That’s an interesting point Mr. Ron . Perhaps somebody should organize it all out protest property wide
8/27/2022 02:32:29 am
I don’t know really my biggest concern is what’s going to happen when one or both of the elevators break down which is actually a regular occurrence.
Karen Schetina
8/27/2022 11:45:21 am
I have lived in Park La Brea for nearly 30 years. In reading all the comments here about this new valet trash service, it makes me feel like we live in entirely different universes. I suggest that all the naysayers give this a chance before you complain. I can see that there are some expert complainers here. I truly encourage everyone to experience this system and then evaluate how it works.
8/27/2022 12:55:23 pm
I truly enjoy PLB and am very comfortable with change so voicing concerns isn’t only based in fear. People have voiced legitimate concerns regarding health, safety, smells and lack of ventilation, the elderly and disabled, their work hours, one elevator, pest control, what the bins looks like to guests, holiday trash etc. And you have voiced your input which is equally legitimate.
8/27/2022 01:38:09 pm
Imagine that already. This is only the beginning.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/27/2022 02:04:43 pm
You are right, Carlos. There are always going to be those who feel entitled and still flick their cigarette butts wherever they want, Allow their dogs to pee on the entrance steps of our buildings as well as the wall at the steps and expect our maintenance people to clean up after them. Just lazy people who can't pick up dog poop. This will be no different.
8/27/2022 02:35:52 pm
Hi - I am the administrator for these comments. All "Karen" posts and other posts targeting residents have been removed, and will continue to be removed. Please try to be civil. Folks who persist in targeting other residents for sharing their opinions will be banned from posting.
8/28/2022 10:02:20 am
I am a little embarrassed about contributing to this chain, given the vitriol that has been spewed at some of our neighbors and at Angela. Time for some Serendipity Prayers. There are acute trash issues that need to be addressed, and no solution will be perfect, and the status quo is neither an option nor a success. So--and I think Angela suggested this too---let's talk about what we can change here. I personally would like 5-7 pick up moved to 7-9--but we should do some surveying to see if that would be better for everyone. Having no pick up on holidays is a problem--especially for diaper users, or people giving holiday parties, so maybe we need dumpsters available on those days. And in general, we need to talk about how we dispose of items that won't be picked up by this service, either because of timing or because they are disallowed...thinking liquids and late-night pizza boxes, etc. And, let's be neighborly here.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/28/2022 12:25:58 pm
Giant sigh, John. It is Sunday afternoon. We just got home from church. Neighbor across the hall from me has already put out a white plastic bag of garbage, tipped over and not fully closed on top. Provided black plastic trash can....... empty!
8/28/2022 12:40:39 pm
And here we go. We have the first of what probably will be thousands of complaints of trash spilling onto the carpeting in the towers for lack of compliance with this ridiculous plan that was just thrown at us from PLB. Let’s start to post this stuff and less people will move in maybe Park La Brea will come to it’s collective sense.
8/28/2022 09:31:47 pm
So in an earlier post I mentioned that you could use your own trashcan as opposed of that nasty cheap black trashcan they left at the door. I was not happy but less frustrated for just a minute. Then I looked at the little green compost can which apparently was never made to close. I don’t understand how we’re supposed to keep compost in a container that doesn’t seal tightly at all and doesn’t even close for that matter, in our home so that it stinks.
Linda K
8/29/2022 11:03:58 am
I am trying to catch up with all the comments. Someone is spewing vitriol at Angela?! For those who don't know, Angela does not work for PLB, she VOLUNTEERS to be a part of the Residents Association board, is a resident herself, spends a ton of hours each week on board work and is trying to help here, as all of this will affect her, too!
Christine Lloreda
8/29/2022 12:36:26 pm
I wholeheartedly agree with Linda. Today is supposed to be D-day when the trash collection is supposed to begin. I I used the Trash chute yesterday and today. It went down and hit the trash bin. So it is still open for “business” . If PLB would just communicate with the tower tenants in a clear manner it would go a long way to calm all these concerns! If PLB would just tell us what DAY between 5-7 our trash will be picked up it would help. 🤷♀️
Jon N.
8/29/2022 12:27:48 pm
Replying to Linda K.: Excellent points. Hopefully there will be a bin remaining nearby somewhere. Their plan now is for no access to any bins in the tower basements. But it would make sense for some sort of access for broken glass, accidents as you said, extra bulky items. Or I suppose people will just dump as needed sadly. I am glad I saw no attacks on Angela. I think they were removed. Yes, Angela is a volunteer helping us all. She’s put in a heck of a lot of time as Vice President of the Residents’ Association on our collective behalf for years and especially of late. Jon
Lonnie Hinckley
8/29/2022 12:32:22 pm
Hi Linda K, I think I interpreted the garbage pick up to be sometime after 7pm saying that we must put it out between 5 and 7 to insure pick up. Anytime after that garbage might be missed. Your comments have been stated and restated, elaborated on and still all PLB is doing is throwing the Valet Living people out there to address this mess. They have no power to address our issues. Disingenuous to say the least. I keep thinking PLB will find a better way to sanitize the basement and chutes more frequently with the money they are paying Valet Living. Waiting to see if our $24 garbage charge will go up. Free for current tenants? I don't trust that either. Sigh.
Jon N.
8/29/2022 12:40:29 pm
For Linda K. and Lonnie Hinckley. I remain puzzled by needing/having a two hour window for us to leave out the bins. But, here is one theory: They just don't want people to leave bins out BEFORE 5 p.m. (or after 9 a.m. the next day). I don't think they can/should come before 7 p.m. as the two hour window seems like it is for us and they pick up AFTER the close of the two hour window. But, I am sure all the few questions we have will continue to be answered by PLB and Valet Living (only mild sarcasm - we likely will know a lot more within a week of starting tonight). I remain concerned about zero access (or far access) to a large bin like the ones now in the basements. Just one (but it would be abused though as residents wouldn't just use it periodically and only as needed - that is the problem).
8/29/2022 01:18:34 pm
This is a terrible idea. I have more trash that will fit in those tiny plastic containers. What you should do is renovate the basement and clean it up. This is not what I signed up for when leasing my apartment. Trash line in the hallways is only going to attract more vermin and cockroaches. It seems the entire population of Park LaBrea is against this terrible idea. I hate Park LaBrea I can’t afford to move.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/29/2022 03:53:15 pm
I will probably not be home in time to attend the info gatherings. I would like someone to as VL what their team will be wearing when they pick up and what their bins look like while they are roaming the hallways. Assuming they are bonded.
8/29/2022 05:53:29 pm
Ok for the record, I am also completely against this idea and don't look forward to a parade of black trash pins dotting my hallway when I come home from work. And (never start a sentence with 'and') yes I'm sure we will be having smell, rats and roaches permeating our homes. That said, does anyone know what the proper size trash bag that would fit properly in the jailhouse trash bins we were supplied? Valet living (ha) doesn't pick up the phones or reply to messages, nor does PKLA.
8/30/2022 11:09:25 am
So this craziness started yesterday and it was a total disaster. Elevators blocked and tons of noise in the corridors. Trash laying around after they came to pick up the bins. This must be stopped before it is too late. Please work on something that really matters and is important for the residents at PLB!
8/30/2022 01:21:27 pm
So all those emails about this cockamanie idea starting yesterday, I put out my can just as instructed, and nobody picked up my garbage. I'm speechless as to how disorganized and ridiculous this idea is.
Lonnie Hinckley
8/30/2022 03:04:59 pm
Woke up to dried spills in front of the lobby on 7th flr. The only elevator was down. People couldn't get up or down with their laundry . Caregivers and maintenance had to walk up . I hope this has nothing to do with our antiquated elevators being forced to stay open while they pick up trash. I do know UPS and FedEx block the elevator door so they don't have to lose it. Sigh.
Karen Schetina
8/30/2022 04:05:31 pm
I am both relieved and grateful to say that on the first night of this new Trash/Recycling/Compost removal system that all went beautifully. The trash and compost containers supplied set perfectly into the nook outside my door and did not obstruct the entrance to my apartment. From 7pm on, each time I heard something in the corridor, I peeked through the peep hole to see if it was someone from “Valet”. Twice, it was just neighbors coming home. However, the third time, at around 8:15pm, I watched a woman removing my buckets and returning them. I went out into the hall as I was curious to see how they were collecting the trash. I introduced myself and found Cynthia to be a lovely woman, with her son Joshua, who were working together. They very efficiently, quietly, and professionally deposited the contents of each bucket into one of three separate compartments on a platform with wheels, which was in the lobby and not holding the elevator open. I stepped out into the hallway at about 10:30pm and noticed that every apartment but two on my floor had brought their buckets into their apartments. One of those two had a black trash bin that had never been brought inside the apartment since they were delivered. There was not a trace of garbage in the hallway, nor in either elevator, nor was there any odor. I went down to the basement this morning to see if I could get compostable bags, but for the third day, the dispenser was empty. I don’t know if it has been filled yet, or if someone had taken all of them. Hopefully there will be bags in the laundry room. It would be great if we can ask them to leave a few compostable bags each time they empty the compost bucket. I hope that the success of the first night is a positive omen for what’s to come.
8/30/2022 05:22:13 pm
LOL - you must work for Valet Living
Karen Schetina
8/30/2022 06:11:46 pm
LOL, 8/30/2022 07:47:48 pm
Hi, LOL - I was going to delete your comment, but Karen's response was so reasonable and cogent that I left up. However, you are now banned from further comments here.
Reiko Takahashi
9/1/2023 04:57:19 am
I liked the idea first. But after several months of this service, I’m here to report otherwise.
9/1/2023 09:38:37 am
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