Here are three things you can do this week to bring you a little happiness or to help improve the lives of your friends and neighbors at Park La Brea:
Adam Schiff Field Staff Onsite Tuesday, July 11th 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Park La Brea Theater Rep. Adam Schiff's field staff will be onsite Tuesday for their monthly visit to support constituents. They can help answer questions and solve problems associated with immigration and citizenship questions; applying for federal benefits; tracking misdirected federal payments; IRS issues; applying to a service academy; federal legislation; and appeals for federal decisions, among other things. No RSVP required, just walk right in - they're always happy to see us! -------------- Sign the PLB Non-Smoking Petition The Park La Brea Residents Association Board went on record a number of moths ago supporting PLB's transition to a non-smoking property. Momentum has slowed somewhat, so it would be great if more residents signed our petition to remove smoking areas from PLB park areas. Please sign and share with your family and neighbors. Our goal is 1,000 signatures - we're nearly 20% there. --------------- Celebrate Bastille Day Beverly Cañon Gardens 241 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills Sunday, July 16th, 5 pm to 7 pm The French version of Independence Day falls on July 14th, but to keep the celebration going, the French consulate is holding a market with entertainment the evening of July 16th. Choose Bastille Day will feature vendors with French food and goods, music from DJ Djemel, the French Double Dutch dance team C'west, and a magic show with Magic Castle member Patricia Magicia. Best of all - it's family-friendly and free! Get your free tickets here
Street Safety Improvements for Colgate + Ogden
TONIGHT, June 8th 6:30 PM VIA Zoom Katie Yaroslavsky's team from CD5 will be holding a Zoom meeting TONIGHT to update us on traffic improvements at Colgate and Ogden in light of last month's fatal accident near Hancock Park School. DO NOT MISS THIS MEETING if this topic interests you. Have an issue or a question for Congressman Adam Schiff's office? If so, we're delighted to announce that his staff are bringing the office to us once again.
A member of the Congressman's field staff will be on site from 2-5 pm in the Park La Brea Theater (across from the Activities Center) from 2-5 pm on Tuesday, May 9th. This is the second in a series of monthly office hours when our Congressional representative's staff will be onsite to help with constituent issues. What kind of issues? Immigration and citizenship questions; applying for federal benefits; tracking misdirected federal payments; IRS questions; applying to a service academy; questions about federal legislation; and appeals for federal decisions are some examples. We look forward to seeing you there! No appointment required, just walk right in. #CommunityStrong The City of LA has introduced new protections for renters with the expiration of the COVID emergency. Katy Yaroslavky's team from CD5 and the LA Housing Department are offering a seminar JUST FOR PARK LA BREA RESIDENTS tomorrow evening to review those new protections. If you're worried about eviction or other issues, or would like to know more about your rights, please join us. Friday, March 17th 5 pm to 5:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Click here for upcoming movies You are welcome to join us for the official return of PLBRA-Sponsored Thursday Night Movies at the Park La Brea Activity Center Theater on Thursday, February 23rd, 2023! We will be screening... Top Gun: Maverick is nominated for 6 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Original Song. Still showing in theaters, the Park La Brea Resident’s Association is proud to present it as part of our inaugural Thursday Night, Movie Night series, where we will be screening movies for PLB residents every other Thursday, starting February 23, 2023.
Doors open at 7:15pm, movie starts at 7:30pm. Free for all residents and their guests, first come, first seated, at the Park La Brea Community Theater. No food or drink will be served. We ask that you please consider joining our association, either as an individual or a household, for only $20 or $30 per year, respectively. By joining, you’re helping support us and our mission of giving voice to the 12,000 people living in our Park La Brea community. For more information, please visit or send an email to [email protected]. Have a suggestion for our next movie? Feel free to email [email protected] - where you can be a part of our Movie Committee! The PLBRA Annual Meeting plus Board Election is tomorrow afternoon, Jan. 8th at 2 pm in the Activities Center Theater. We very much need a quorum to hold the Board Meeting vote, so if you're a PLBRA member, please plan to attend and vote or to vote by proxy.* (Member = paid PLBRA dues for 2023 by December 9th.)
This is a don't-miss event! Meet candidates in person. We'll also be registering voters - there's even a fire truck! See you there in Curson Square. Here are the speaking times for each candidate attending: Please note that we invited candidates from all major races - if you don't see a candidate listed, he/she declined to attend.
This segment aired on NBC LA on Sept. 13th. We published a letter from PLB management about their activities to curtail these illegal rentals in the October newsletter. What do you think? Leave your comments below.
Tower residents have had a couple of days to try out the new valet trash service. In advance of our next Zoom Board meeting on September 6th at 7 pm, PLBRA is collecting feedback from residents on the experience. We'd like to be able to approach PLB management and have a constructive conversation about what is working and what is not. Please take the survey below - and of course, we welcome your comments about using the service after you take the survey. If you're still having difficulties with the instructions for the service, or just need a reminder, we've created this handy cheat sheet to download. Feel free to share with friends and neighbors. Note: We're all human ... and I mistakenly put the wrong link in the newsletter today. If you'd like to provide feedback on your experience using the trash valet service, go here.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you may have heard, PLB management has contracted with Valet Living to start a trash valet service in the Towers at the end of August. The garbage chutes will be retired and the basement dumpsters will be moved into the trash rooms and locked off. (There will be a couple of weeks of adjustment time where these facilities will still be available.) You can download a flyer with more information here. Valet Living has agreed to offer information/training sessions if residents are interested. You are also free to share any thoughts regarding this change in the comment section below. PLEASE NOTE that the comment section is moderated and any comments that get personal will be deleted immediately. |
January 2025